Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 11, 2013

July 2012

Alex at 3 months

 Hanging out with Aunt Sheryl on the 4th of July

 Mitch and Gillian

 Blueberry picking!

 Thanks for visiting Aunt Sheryl!

 Mitch's first ice cream cone...I'm sure it won't be his last.  Sammy and Travis seemed to like theirs, too.

 Smoothie mustache

 Mitch playing with the hose.  Note that he is spraying directly on his clothes!

 So then he had to take them off!  He, of course, did not want to go inside before this started to put on a swimsuit!
I think our beach ball needs a little help.

 Happy 4th Birthday Mitch!

 This year, Mitch wanted a rectangle cake with a picture of a rectangle cake with a picture of the kindness vase on it.  Oh yeah, and sprinkles.  This is how it turned out!

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