Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Mitch!

So, we officially have a 2 year-old. Here is a picture from when he was approximately 2 days old and then from the past week. I can hardly believe it's the same person!

Balloons from his Birthday party last weekend. He's been playing with them ever since and I'm not quite sure what will happen when they pop or if he'll just drag them around on the floor when the helium finally dies!

This is the face I got after trying many times to have him hold still long enough for me to get a picture. These digital cameras sometimes aren't fast enough! Anyway, in case you couldn't tell he was saying "cheese".

Playing with Travis in the water spray. Mitch had a blast and didn't even care when he got splashed in the face.

Watermelon was also a big hit with the's Samantha, Elliot and Mitch all asking for more and waiting for me to hand it out like it was Halloween!

The boys on the play structure

Okay, so most people probably won't be able to figure out what is on the cake but it's supposed to be a "green line train" which is one of the lines of the Portland light rail. Mitch thought it was cool, so that's all that really matters. I don't think I would have won any cake decorating contests though...maybe next year.

He also thought the cake tasted pretty good!

This is how I found Mitch sleeping the other morning, blanket over his shoulders and his friend, Kirby on top. How he got that way, I have no idea!

Playing in a blanket fort with Dad

Mitch's friends Sammy and Travis got him this awesome lawnmower for his birthday. I'm not sure if he loves it or the balloons more!

So, here's Mitch today, on his actual birthday. He had a crown from school that he mainly kept on his head because he was distracted by opening presents.

Wooden train

The big gift-a tricycle!

Trying it out outside. It seemed to get a little frustrating when on the incline back to the house but he's definitely understanding the concept of the pedals.

Here's another comparison picture...Mitch today at 2 years old and below at 1 month (and not looking thrilled to be sitting there!)

Couldn't ask for a better kiddo...We love you Mitch!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big Shoes! (and other cool stuff too)

So, these shoes are outside of the adidas headquarters in Portland and we can drive past them on our way home every day. Once Mitch learned this he asked to go see the "big shoes" multiple times a day and for a while, whenever we were driving anywhere in the car. Then he started saying "no big shoes" and covering his eyes when we would drive past (even if he had asked to see them earlier in the car ride). So we decided he had some sort of fear of large apparel and thought we'd go see the big shoes up close. He definitely has a love/hate relationship with them and was very frightened to get too close. After a while he warmed up and was able to stand on his own and even touch the shoes! We did this last Saturday and then today he again said "big big shoes" on our way home. So indecisive!

Afternoon trip downtown. We took the light rail (which Mitch is rather obsessed with and can identify which color line each train is) downtown and just walked around, then took the max back home. Here we are just watching the trains go by.

More berry picking-are you sensing a theme to our summer? It was actually chilly when we were out on Sunday morning, picking marionberries. Mitch did put some in the bucket (instead of his mouth) and one of us had to hold him the whole time to avoid all the thorns!

There was also a small barn that had a few animals in it so after the berries were picked we went in to look.

Mitch's favorite was the bunny rabbit. Here he is saying "hi" to it.

Over at a friend's house for a barbecue

Mitch got to ride a pretty cool scooter with some help from our friend, Derek. He's really been intrigued by skateboards lately and this was pretty fun for him.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer fun

Just another cute picture of Mitch and Gillian. We had another playdate last weekend, went to a park that has a few water features (sprinklers the kids can play in) and they both were just watching other kids play while on the teeter-totter. They seemed interested in the water but didn't play in it...maybe next time as I'm sure the hot weather isn't over!

We went to a park with a pond that had a lot of space for little kids (e.g. shallow water) and it took a few minutes but Mitch loved it! Here he is walking with dad.

Jumping out of the water with mom's help

Pre-water play

Blueberry picking was a hit with Mitch. They're pretty much his favorite fruit and he ate lots and lots while we were picking.

Proof that he actually put some blueberries in the bucket

Apparently we have a budding photographer on our hands...Mitch took this picture of Ra-ra himself.

Hanging out with dad

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Busy week!

I realized after putting this together that we really had a lot of events in the past week, visiting friends and playing. I guess that's what summer brings! Here's Mitch being goofy with Dad

Hanging out with Dannon

We went to our friends Tara and Derek's house for their annual "3rd of July" party. Mitch was the only kid and loved being the center of attention! He stayed up pretty late but had lots of fun and wasn't too cranky the next day. (Mom was a little cranky cuz she had to work!)

Spending some quality time with Tara in his pajamas

Eating hot dogs with his friend, Jordan

Last Friday we went to the Children's Museum after work/school. Mitch really liked the water wall...

...and driving the bus...

...and playing peek-a-boo from the top of the "tree"

We sort-of forced this picture but he was a pretty good sport

We got to spend some more time with Mitch's friend, Gillian, playing at a park. Mitch is head-over-heels for Gillian's mom, Andrea and spent a lot of time chasing her and asking her to hold him! It was pretty cute and I'm pretty sure he still loves Gillian too!

Little daredevils

I maybe went a little overboard with the merry-go-round pictures but wanted to show how they pretty much just follow one another with how they play. Here they are standing...

...laying down kicking their legs...

...tummy time... (do you still call it that when they're toddlers?)

Hugging goodbye.
No doubt we will have more playdates in the future!

Mitch and mom just hanging out.