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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer fun

Just another cute picture of Mitch and Gillian. We had another playdate last weekend, went to a park that has a few water features (sprinklers the kids can play in) and they both were just watching other kids play while on the teeter-totter. They seemed interested in the water but didn't play in it...maybe next time as I'm sure the hot weather isn't over!

We went to a park with a pond that had a lot of space for little kids (e.g. shallow water) and it took a few minutes but Mitch loved it! Here he is walking with dad.

Jumping out of the water with mom's help

Pre-water play

Blueberry picking was a hit with Mitch. They're pretty much his favorite fruit and he ate lots and lots while we were picking.

Proof that he actually put some blueberries in the bucket

Apparently we have a budding photographer on our hands...Mitch took this picture of Ra-ra himself.

Hanging out with dad

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