Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 12, 2012


So, I'm back to do hopefully lots more posting, playing catch up before the new baby arrives in a few months.  We'll see how long it takes me to go through 5 months of life/pictures!  Enjoy!
 Sidewalk chalk

 Mitch had a rough time getting ready for bed one night and was supposed to be sitting in his room until he could talk to us nicely.  A few minutes later, this is how we found him.  Guess he was just tired!

 We inherited this tent from some friends who were downsizing to a smaller place (thanks Kelly and Seth!) and so we put it up in the backyard to camp one night.  Mitch enjoyed roasting marshmallows but didn't really like how they tasted and so far is not a big fan of s'mores.  We'll see if that changes as he grows up!  

 This is my absolute favorite picture of Mitch at this age.  These next pics were taken by a good friend, Ella, who has moved to Buffalo but was in town for a few days.  We got some good family pictures!

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