A few months ago we were told about a place in Portland that has all sorts of climbing, slides, etc. that is all indoors. Mitch loved it and we've been 3 or 4 times, it's a great place to go when it's raining. Here are just a few pictures of him playing, it was hard to get good ones because he was moving so fast!
Mitch came home from school one day with this star taped (with packing tape) to his shirt. It says "super helper" and he got it for being the kid who helped the most when cleaning up toys! Now it lives on our refrigerator and we let him wear it when he is being a super helper at home!

That same day, he and Matt picked me up at work. He likes to work on the computers when he comes to visit though I'm not sure what the sly look on the lower picture means!

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