Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beginning to play catch-up

Okay, no excuses, it's just been too long since I've posted anything. (I did have camera and computer issues but mostly I was just busy). So, here are just a few to start off with, I'm going to try to add more this week to slowly sort through the 4 months of pictures since I've last posted. These first pictures are of Mitch and his good friend, Elliot, reading books at Elliot's house.

And what play date is complete without a little game of chicken?

Here's Mitch making valentines for his teachers at school. He's pretty good with a glue stick!

And the big news is he's wearing underwear! Potty trained except at night and occasionally during nap time at school. He was inspired by Thomas the Tank Engine underwear, I think! Way to go Mitch!

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