Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


 Spelling names with wooden blocks

 What railroad engineer doesn't wear only underwear and rain boots?

 This was the beginning of Mitch not napping at school, fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep on me once in the house.  I have to say, I didn't hate the snuggling part!

 Went upstairs to wake Charlotte up one day and this is what I found...only her front paws sticking out from under her blanket.  She covers herself up during the night and apparently in the morning it was too bright!

 Train track building with blocks

 Eating lunch on Father's Day at the Grilled Cheese Grill.  They have many variations on grilled cheese and the booths are inside of an old school bus.  They played some pretty rockin' music that Mitch bounced/danced to the whole time he was eating!

 Just some cute pictures of Mitch and Charlotte hanging out

 Mitch and Gillian on the swing before heading out on their tricycles.  Portland has a few Sundays every summer where they close the streets to cars and allow bike traffic only.  The kids rode their bikes to the nearest park and then played for a while before riding home.

 We even got there early enough that we could hang the bikes up!

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