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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Season!

Here's Mitch making Green Jello Salad for Thanksgiving. He did a pretty good job and liked licking the spoon!

So we went to the Christmas tree lighting in downtown Portland the day after Thanksgiving (you know, the one where the FBI busted a potential terrorist). We got there pretty early and there was already a huge crowd of people. So we got a pretty good spot across the street from the square where the tree was but it was hard for Mitch to stay interested for an hour and a half while we were waiting! (they were a little late lighting it).

The above picture is the closest we could get to a self-portrait family photo.

Getting sleepy...


Mitch mowing the lawn one day. He decided after a while that it was fairly difficult to mow the actual grass and instead turned to mowing the sidewalk. He went all the way to the end of the block and probably would have crossed the street if I hadn't turned him around!

Just a few pictures at the zoo. The baby elephant is the same age as Mitch and getting big too! We were pretty lucky we got to see them getting bathed! Mitch was pretty excited.

Just playing...

Here's Mitch singing some combination of "I've been working on the railroad" (which he calls "banjo song") and "The wheels on the bus" all while playing the xylophone. He is one talented kid!

Zoo Lights! The Portland Zoo decorates with millions of lights for the holidays. We met up with Mitch's friend, Gillian and her family to walk around and see them all. It was really pretty and at times I think I had more fun than Mitch did! It was cold but at least not rainy!

Sitting on the zoo train waiting to see the lights

Just some scenery pictures. We took a lot of pictures but only a few turned out really nice mainly because it was so dark and we were moving a lot.

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