Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Busy week!

I realized after putting this together that we really had a lot of events in the past week, visiting friends and playing. I guess that's what summer brings! Here's Mitch being goofy with Dad

Hanging out with Dannon

We went to our friends Tara and Derek's house for their annual "3rd of July" party. Mitch was the only kid and loved being the center of attention! He stayed up pretty late but had lots of fun and wasn't too cranky the next day. (Mom was a little cranky cuz she had to work!)

Spending some quality time with Tara in his pajamas

Eating hot dogs with his friend, Jordan

Last Friday we went to the Children's Museum after work/school. Mitch really liked the water wall...

...and driving the bus...

...and playing peek-a-boo from the top of the "tree"

We sort-of forced this picture but he was a pretty good sport

We got to spend some more time with Mitch's friend, Gillian, playing at a park. Mitch is head-over-heels for Gillian's mom, Andrea and spent a lot of time chasing her and asking her to hold him! It was pretty cute and I'm pretty sure he still loves Gillian too!

Little daredevils

I maybe went a little overboard with the merry-go-round pictures but wanted to show how they pretty much just follow one another with how they play. Here they are standing...

...laying down kicking their legs...

...tummy time... (do you still call it that when they're toddlers?)

Hugging goodbye.
No doubt we will have more playdates in the future!

Mitch and mom just hanging out.

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