We had one beautiful day last weekend, we got to sit outside and eat watermelon like it was a real summer day! (the next day was gray and rainy)
Mitch loves all the outdoor tools, he really just likes to carry the rake around right now. Maybe when he gets older he'll do the yardwork!
Mitch was rolling his truck around and offered to give me a massage with it (well, okay, maybe I suggested it)
We had another play date with Mitch's good friend, Gillian. This time we went to OMSI-they have a fairly large room dedicated to kids age 6 and under. This part had air blowing upwards which caused the balls to float in the air. The kids had fun with that and also with just the air blowing in their faces/hair!
They also have a water play area. There are smocks and crocks for the kids to wear if they want but it actually worked out easier for them to just take their shirts and shoes off. So much fun!

Matt got some pretty cute pictures on his phone one day. Mitch still loves riding the light rail, here he is sitting on the seat by himself.

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