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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Houston Vacation

We took a trip to Houston to visit my sister, Allison who had a baby about 7 weeks ago. This was Mitch's first plane trip. He mostly played with the safety instruction card and flirted with other babies when he wasn't sleeping. Overall he did pretty well!

Here's Mitch with his cousins Gianna and Nick. We took a lot of pictures and Allison got a better one than we did, but I like that Mitch and Gianna are holding hands in this one.

Allison and Gianna playing under the sheets while making the bed. Things get crazy when you have kids!

Mitch and Gianna sharing toys

Nick looking cute

Mitch playing in the grass

Mitch was just saying Hi to Nick even though it looks like he was smacking him around. Mitch's hand looks enormous!

Here are the boys: Nick and Matt, Mitch and Matt
just playing on the floor

Mitch and mom

Nick and his mom

Sleeping Nick

The Geiger family on the airplane

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