Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New things every day!

Mitch is now able to roll from his back to his stomach-this is what he does when he's supposed to be napping! He also is unsure of what to do when he gets on his stomach and makes grunting noises that wake up his parents in the middle of the night!

Three months old! How time flies! Mitch toppled over on the couch right after we got this picture...all the rest have my hands holding him up!

Smiling Charlotte

Play time with mom after waking up from a nap. Mitch sleeps much better when sleeping on someone; he sleeps about 45 minutes in the crib vs. 2 hours on mom or dad's chest!

Just another cute Mitchell picture!

Here's Mitch with all his friends...on the left is Elliott at 2 weeks old, then Mitch (who was not too happy about the photo session), Travis is a year old and not understanding why Mitch is upset, and the ring leader of them all is Samantha at 3 years old!

Just the boys.

Playing with the dog


Unknown said...

Um, where are the pictures of the halloween outfit? I have been waiting to see Mitch as smarties...

KatieO said...

i can't believe he's rolling over! That's awesome!