Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April continues...

 We had some beautifully warm weather last weekend so we were able to play in the backyard a lot.  Here Mitch is playing with a friend, Sarianne.  Mitch stayed at her family's house when we were in the hospital when Alex was born and these 2 have bonded!  

 Lots of chasing around the yard

 So Alex is starting to be awake more of the time however he doesn't really like to be on his back so we let him lay on his stomach.  He starts his awake time with this super surprised look on his face but is starting to have some not-so-surprised looks too (see below).

 Alex and mom

 Alex also likes sleeping on his stomach...too bad we can't leave him alone that way!  I'm sure as soon as he learns how to roll over this is how we will find him in the crib!  Speaking of...last night (4/25) Alex had a successful night of sleeping in the crib instead of the bassinet!  Very exciting times for mom and dad at least!

 Here are a few pictures of Alex getting his first real bath in the baby tub.  He started out very upset but then warmed up to the idea a little.  The second bath went about the same only Mitch was helping wash Alex (no opportunity for pictures of that one, maybe next time!)

 We have a bouncy chair that Alex liked to sleep in but not really be awake in until this day (for a few minutes at least).  We even caught him playing peek-a-boo!

 More outside time.  Mitch and dad

 Mom, dad and Alex

 An attempt at a full family photo...Mitch threw a ball up in the air just as Matt was taking this.

 Matt was trimming bushes in the yard and Mitch found a very long branch from one of them.  Here he is holding it to his head and he was singing "I am a unicorn".


 More sleeping Alex pictures (again on his stomach on the couch)

 So I'm not sure if Ginger just didn't notice Alex here or if she's trying to make a statement such as "what is this thing doing in my spot?"

 Mitch and mom making funny faces

 Mitch was standing on his lawnmower and said, "This is kind of like a tree pose".  I asked if he knew that from yoga and he said yes.  (His preschool class does yoga sometimes).  Then I asked him to show me other poses.  Below he is demonstrating the turtle pose.

 Here's another Mitch/Alex comparison: Mitch is above, I think slightly older than Alex, below.  Still looking similar but Alex is a little pinker, at least here.  Also he looks slightly more crazed.

 Typical tired snuggle pose from Alex

"Hello world!"

Friday, April 13, 2012

April and the arrival of Alex!

Alexander Harrison arrived April 1st at 3:46 am.  He weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 19.8" long.

 Here's Alex meeting big brother Mitch for the first time.

Getting ready to leave the hospital

Meeting Charlotte

I think Mitch is in love with his little brother.  He is a great helper so far and always wants to hold Alex.  We have lots of pictures of this as you will see!

 All snuggled up!

 Some open-eye time

 Mitch as a construction worker.  He was wearing his hard hat and playing with his excavator but the pictures (other than this one) turned out blurry because he was moving so fast!

Sleeping on mom...a little bit of a sleepy smile

 Happy Easter!  We dyed eggs on Easter while Alex was napping (successfully in the bassinet upstairs!)

 Mitch attempted to use the wire holder to dip the eggs but didn't quite get the concept.  Luckily most of the dye came off in the bath later!

 I wanted to get at least 1 picture of Alex wearing this outfit.  It was super cute but newborn size and is almost too small for him already!  Our awesome Labor and Delivery nurse, Lisa, gave it to him after he was born.  She said she likes to give the babies their first bath and then dress them!  Fine by me!  It also has matching socks with alligators on them which should fit him a little bit longer.

 More snuggle time with big brother Mitch.  Mitch saw Matt laying on the couch holding Alex like this and he wanted to try it out too.

 Mitch made a picture for Alex with some help from Matt to write his name. 
So here is a picture of Mitch just a few days after coming home from the hospital.  Just wanted to compare that with Alex's picture below.  I think they look like brothers!

Tummy time with Charlotte

Mitch singing to Alex